Thursday 24 November 2011

Mummies Alive!

Have you ever seen this cartoon when you're still a child?
This is like one of the best 90's cartoon!

This is a cartoon that based on Ancient Egypt.
『In ancient Egypt, an evil sorcerer named, Scarab, kills the pharaoh's son, Prince Rapses, so he can become pharaoh immortal. Entombed alive for his crime (Rapses' body was also never found), Scarab revives in the modern world and begins his search for Rapses' reincarnation, a San Francisco-dwelling boy named Presley Carnavon to retrieve the spirit of Rapses' so he can become immortal. Rapses' (Presley's) bodyguards, Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina, along with Rapses' cat, Kahti, awake from the dead to protect him from Scarab. They use the power of Ra to transform into powerful guardians.』

The character design were based on the goddess of Egypt.

 Ja-Kal is the leader of the Mummies. In his transformed state, his armor resembles a falcon and also allows him to fly. 

Rath is the most intelligent of the Mummies (but also the most arrogant). When he transforms, a green snake which turn into a golden cobra wraps around him and serves as armor.

Armon is huge and eats very often. He is very strong even when he has not transformed. He is missing his right arm and when he transforms he obtains a golden arm that is used as his weapon. His armor resembles a ram.

Nefer-Tina is the only female of the Mummies. She is an expert with her whip, has great agility, and is extremely proficient at driving the Hot-Ra — the Mummies' dragster-like vehicle. When she transforms, her armor is like a cat.
And her name sounds like the queen of Ancient Egypt that I introduced before - - Nefertiti.

Scarab is the Pharaoh's adviser, who later sucked the life force from Prince Rapses for youth and immortality.When Scarab transforms, his body is covered in golden and purple armor, resembling that of a scarab beetle and possessing the power of flight.He also possesses a magical talking snake named Heka that acts as his magical staff from time to time, much to her dismay.

I really likes Rath's design. Never thought that snake can be combined with human so nicely and so cool.
Of course my favourite hero is Ja-kal! He is soooo shiny and strong!

This is like the first cartoon that inspired me to look into Ancient Egypt.
They were my childhood heroes.I wish that one day, I could become Rapses.
And I will have four guardians around me and bring me back to Egypt :)

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